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Read the full DEIC Statement of Commitment and link to President Frenk's 15 Action Items for Racial Justice at UM
Rosenstiel school Rosenstiel school
Culture of Belonging
The University of Miami is committed to building an inclusive and equitable environment that attracts diverse students, staff, and faculty. Learn about the President's Roadmap.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee (DEIC) at Rosenstiel School

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee (DEIC) at the Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science is charged with promoting an environment in which every member of the Rosenstiel School community is valued and with developing the appropriate programs to fulfill the commitment to caring for the diverse faculty, staff and student bodies. The committee enhances the awareness among the Rosenstiel School community on diversity, equity and inclusion issues toward eliminating biases resulting from gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation. More about what D, E, I, and C mean to us:


Science works best when it draws from the broadest pool of talent and lived experiences. We consider the broad scope of diversity, including but not limited to: race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender identity, geographic origins, economic background, religion, cultural practices, family status, disability status, and veteran status.


Every member of our community should have access to resources and opportunities that allow them to achieve their greatest potential.


Every person should feel welcome, valued, and able to achieve their greatest potential. We believe that a culture of inclusion is the most important precursor to achieving goals of diversity and equity. University of Miami fosters a "Culture of Belonging" that every member of our community should uphold.


Our committee is composed of a faculty representative from each of our five departments and the Rosenstiel School library, staff representatives, and student representatives. Please contact any of our committee members with ideas or questions, email, or fill out our comment form below.

Featured Links

Rosenstiel School Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Members
Learn about policies, find resources for reporting misconduct

Student groups and services at UM, fellowships

UM-wide initiatives and resources

Resources from Earth, Marine, & Atmospheric Sciences Organizations

Getting Started

Full page under development. Click here for some great places to start.
